
Q100C motor a S09P-BL RJ

Koupil jsem v Cine Q100C motor a S09P-BL RJ, a dneska jsem zjistil za spolu to nefunguje dobře.
Napsal jsem cinanu, ale on ted ma novy rok a na jeho odpověď ja musim počkat 14dni.

Pokud někdo vi, jak by slo resit muj problém, dejte vedet. Omluvam se, ze dopis je v anglictine:)

„The spokes for the rear Q100C motor finally came last week, so I made my second two wheel drive ebike and test it using 48V battery.

As a first note, the front bafang motor works fine with S09P-BL controller and with 3 different square wave controllers, both with PAS and throttle.

Unfortunately, your rear Q100C motor does not work properly with all 4 tested controllers:

1. With your S09P-BL controller during acceleration using pedals (and PAS for controller) the motor start to run fine for 1-2 sec, but then a noise zzzz starts, and motor stops running. By my ears and experience, controller tried to give too high current and motor cannot hold it, and some protection mechanism disconnect the motor. If I stop rotating pedals, and rotate them again, same problem occur again.
The key problem is that this problem happends on the assist level 3, 2, 1 (I am not going to test 4 and 5, I do not want to burn the motor), so basically now I cannot use Q100C motor with S09P-BL controller.

Q1. What can be a reason of this problem and how it can be solved?

I have an idea to limit the current using the application KTSmartbicycle. But this application seems not working properly. I can only set up the level of assist (so application somehow is working) and change parameters, but the DST, ODO and cadence are 0, error information have only "!" signs everywhere, tracking is not working.

Q2. Which parameter in setting I should change to limit the current from 22A to 10A?

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Datum: 30.01.2019
  • Re: Q100C motor a S09P-BL RJ


    Q3. Where I can read about appropriate setting parameters, such as power parameter 12, current parameter 10, torgue parameter 1, reductionratio*mot 86 and so on. I tried to look through the internet, and found only advertisement without explanation about different parameters.

    2. Using one square wave controller I have the same problem as with S09P-BL controller.
    3. Using second square wave controller motors works fine until ~30km/h (acceleration is fine!), than motor makes a noise and torque decreases. I think it could be due to limitation of electrical RPM of contoller.
    4. Using third square wave controller motors works fine until ~30km/h, than the torque became sinusoidal (for 1 sec motor do not create torque, for next second - huge torque and so on). I think it could be due to limitation of electrical RPM of contoller or some current protection.

    Hope such information will help you to find our the reason of the first problem and to solve it."

    [ Reagovat ] [ Zpět ]
    Datum: 30.01.2019
    Hodnocení: +1 Hlasovat mohou jen přihlášení uživatelé Hlasovat mohou jen přihlášení uživatelé 0
    • Re: Q100C motor a S09P-BL RJ


      Ja zkusim zmensit parametry: power parameter 12, current parameter 10. Mozno to pomuze.

      [ Reagovat ] [ Zpět ]
      Datum: 30.01.2019
      Hodnocení: +1 Hlasovat mohou jen přihlášení uživatelé Hlasovat mohou jen přihlášení uživatelé 0
  • Re: Q100C motor a S09P-BL RJ


    Tak vcera jsem jeden problem uspesne vyresil.

    Otocil jsem sensor PAS, ted zadni Q100C motor bezi v pohode s S09P-BL RJ.

    Driv jsem to neudelal, protoze ta sama RJ a ten samy neotoceny PAS v pohode pracovali s prednim motorem Bafang, a taki zacnali pohanet (1-2 vteriny) motor Q100C...

    [ Reagovat ] [ Zpět ]
    Datum: 31.01.2019
    Hodnocení: +1 Hlasovat mohou jen přihlášení uživatelé Hlasovat mohou jen přihlášení uživatelé 0
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